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Coach Nadia
6 months ago
welcome to my features page where you can recieve lots of free hints, tips and advice on how to achieve your goals.

Losing excessive body fat and improving your muscle mass is one of the most important things we can all do for ourselves. It is even more important in women who are entering their 40s and 50s and onwards. It's never too late to start, and whatever age you begin, I can ****** ure you that with the right guidance, you will begin to reap the benefits within a short amount of time.
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Coach Nadia
4 months ago (E)
Flow movement for mental health and mindful movement benefits.
Mental health, anxiety and the benefits of the right type of exercise.

In my experience as a Personal Trainer for 25 years, I have found that exercise is one of the greatest sources of relief for stress, anxiety and depressive moods.

It can sometimes be forgotten that exercise is a great way to deal with mental health issues. I personally have many clients who exercise with me purely for the benefit of aiding in healing, improving depression and eliviating anxiety. Flow movements are amazing for grounding yourself and regaining that connection within yourself, with your body to mind and removing those stress factors we carry around with us.

πŸ§˜πŸ½β€β™€What are flow movements?
Flow movements, which include practices like yoga, pilates or tai chi, are rhythmic, continuous, and often meditative movements. Flow movements help us achieve a positve mind-body connection and anxiety relief through movement.

Incorporating flow pracitces even if it's just for a few mintues a day can contribute to a more positve, stable and relaxed mental state.

πŸ§˜πŸ½β€β™€How can flow movements help with my anxiety and mental health?

1. Engagement in the Present: Flow movements encourage us to focus on the present moment, which helps shift attention away from anxious thoughts. This type of "mindful movement" is grounding and can reduce the tendency to overthink.

2. Activation of the Parasympathetic Nervous System: Flow activities involve deep, controlled breathing and slow, intentional movements that help stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system. This "rest and digest" mode counters the "fight or flight" response associated with anxiety.

3. Endorphin Release: Flow movements release endorphins, the brain’s natural "feel-good" chemicals, which can help elevate mood and alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression.

4. Improved Body Awareness: Practicing flow movements increases awareness of bodily sensations, which can help people better recognize signs of tension or stress. This body-mind connection is helpful for managing anxious responses.

5. Enhanced Cognitive Function: Flow states can increase cognitive flexibility, enhance problem-solving abilities, and improve focus and mental clarity, which can help with managing stress and anxiety.

6. Building Confidence and Resilience: Completing a flow sequence can foster a sense of accomplishment and resilience, which boosts self-esteem and provides a mental buffer against stress.

High intensity workouts as a stress reliever and mood changer are not for everyone. I find that flow movements do have a much longer effect on relieving the symptoms of anixety, stress and depression and other mental health related issues.
#yogaflow #pilatesflow #exercise #fitness #homeworkout #mentalhealth #MoveWithIntention #stressrelieftips #HealingThroughMovement #FlowForMentalHealth #MindfulnessPractice #SelfCareRoutine #wellnessjourney #CalmMindCalmBody #FindYourFlow #MentalHealthAwareness
Coach Nadia
6 months ago
Hello πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•
I am here again.. πŸ’œ for you and our topic for today will be about Mental Health.

Exercise and mental health go hand in hand. Fighting stress and depression with exercise is definitely the way forward. Exercise can boost your mood and help give you a more positive outlook, as well as improving your sense of control, your self esteem and your coping abilites.
Feeling good after achieving a physical goal may help ease depression and anxiety by the release of endorphins (a natural chemical released by our brain). These endorphins give us a sense of imporved well-being and help us have more positive thoughts.
Alongside this, exercise reduces the levels of stress hormones in the body, therefore we have much better sleep patterns, improved mood and less overall anxiety.

So, what are you waiting for?
Check out my video below and lets get you moving today!πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ
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